Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kensington, NH

I miss thee...

Meadowbrook, Syracuse, NY

Family Snapshots

My Swedish grandfather was born in the Atacama Desert in Chile. I found a stash of photos from the time he and his family spent there, playing croquet in the desert, fishing, and working at the Anaconda Mining Company. I found a stash of photos of my sister, brother and I when we were young, growing up in New Hampshire - a very different environment. The task of compiling these photos together was daunting considering they were taken almost a century apart. Photography has come a long way in 100 years...

My great grandparents playing croquet in the desert (1920ish) and my brother on his first day of first grade (1999)

Llamas in the Street
Chilean street scene (1920s) and my sister and I (1994).

Learning to Walk
Peruvian street scene (1920s) and my papa teaching me how to walk (1990).

Fishermen flaunting their catch (1919) and my brother, sister and I posing for the camera (1998).

The Miners
Anaconda Mining Company workers and my great grandfather Erik Gustav Peterson (second row third from the right) (1923) and my father, mother and papa holding my sister and I (1990).

Great-great Aunt Helen
Helen (1918) and I (1994) at the beach.